Guided tours


Starting on the 5th of August, 2022, Visit Oradea will offer free guided tours on the weekends to any visitors or locals who are interested in learning more about Oradea's outdoor museum.


The Oradea Fortress is the starting point for the guided tours, which are conducted in Romanian and last between 2.5 and 3 hours. On request, tours can also be conducted in English and Hungarian. These tours can also be an opportunity for young people who are enthusiastic about tourism to help them learn more about the industry and discover interesting facts about the architecture and history of the buildings they see.The tours are led by certified tour guides with expertise in both indoor and outdoor tours.


Free guided tours schedule for August 2022 and September 2022:

  • Friday, 6:00 p.m., meeting and departure point: Oradea Fortress
  • Saturday, 10:00 a.m., meeting and departure point: Oradea Fortress
  • Sunday, 10:00 a.m., meeting and departure point: Oradea Fortress.

*Due to the extended weekend associated with Saint Mary's Day, an additional tour will be held on Monday, August 15, at 10:00 a.m., departing from Oradea Fortress.


Participants will enjoy learning about the Oradea Fortress' exterior, the Ullmann Palace, 1 December Park, the exterior of the Darvas-La Roche House, Traian Park, the Palace of Justice, the Bar Building, and the BNR Building, as well as the iconic palaces on Republicii Avenue, such as the Apollo, Moskovits Miksa, Stern palaces, Ferdinand Square with the State Theater, the Poynar House, the Adorjan Houses, the Pannonia Hotel, Unirii Square, and Vasile Alecsandri Street.


The goal of the project is to provide a special experience to both domestic tourists and residents of Oradea who haven't had a chance to see the city and its significant architectural historical landmarks. As a pilot program that may be replicated in the future depending on participation, the Visit Oradea project seeks to enhance tourists' experiences during this period.


The free guided tours are an added benefit to the "Oradea cu drag" gratuities campaign, which offers free museum admission, free 24-hour public transportation, and discounts at participating cafes and restaurants to tourists who stay in Oradea for at least two nights.


Additional information is available on the website, via phone at +4 0359 807 907, or by email at [email protected] .

What to Do

De câte plimbări este nevoie pentru a te îndrăgosti de un oraș? În cazul Oradei, de una singură. Fiecare traseu în care pornești are ceva aparte, care să-ți capteze privirea. Fie că îți dorești să redescoperi istoria îndepărtată, să te bucuri de un moment de reconectare în mijlocul naturii sau de o seară specială în oraș, Oradea și județul Bihor au mereu ceva care să te atragă, indiferent de anotimp.

What to See

Oradea te așteaptă să o iei la pas și să-i descoperi bijuteriile arhitecturale: 89 de clădiri și monumente Art Nouveau, 26 de obiective clasate ca monumente istorice, 25 de obiective propuse cu valoare pentru clasare ca monumentele istorice și 38 de obiective cu valoare arhitecturală incontestabilă. Creează-ți propriul itinerariu pentru un city break de neuitat în #OrașulMuzeu!

Travel Wise

Indiferent de orașul din care ne vizitezi, toate drumurile duc către Oradea! Află toate informațiile despre cum poți ajunge în orașul #ArtNouveau, unde te poți caza, ce poți vizita și ce activități poți alege pentru tine, prieteni și întreaga familie!